Species/Soort | Family/Familie | Order/Orde | Class/Klasse | Phylum/Stam | Kingdom/Rijk |
Ring-billed gull | Gulls, terns and skimmers | Shorebirds, gulls, and relatives | Birds | Chordate | Animals |
Ringsnavelmeeuw | Meeuwen | Steltloperachtigen | Vogels | Gewervelden | Dieren |
Larus delawarensis | Laridae | Charadriiformes | Aves | Chordata | Animalia |
The Ringsnavelmeeuw is the most general seagull in the US, the size of the Black -headed Gull in the Netherlands.
This Ringsnavelmeeuw lets you know that it is there. Funny is that the brick runners are not very impressed.
A young Ringsnavelmeeuw.